Paysenger EGO Token: It’s a new way to monetize communication

Adja Hadaban
5 min readFeb 17, 2022


Paysenger is a service that charges a fee for the use of its platform. A new communication ethic is developed by Paysenger in a world where the number of connections between people increases, but the amount of attention given to each connection remains constant.

Thanks to Paysenger, getting in touch with a media personality or subject matter expert has never been easier. EGO tokens or cash can be used to pay for the recipient’s attention. It is possible to create NFTs from media you receive in response messages in order to keep them or sell them on the EGO internal market in exchange for EGO currency. Social media has taken over the world in the last decade.

Public and private information about people’s lives is more readily available than ever before. When it comes to sharing their personal information online, some people are eager to do so. Developing new communication methods is necessary because of the rise in the number of social connections people monitor. Your original content will be watched, liked and admired by current Internet users if you put your effort into it. These networks’ algorithms have been reworked in order to give more prominence to original content on the world’s most popular social networks.

The Passenger’s Purpose:
It is possible to communicate directly and trustingly between influencers and the community using Paysenger while the community has a reliable channel to reach and receive services, as well as the ability to profit from an influencer and prioritise their attention towards an influencer. A video greeting, a video chat, or a conference call can be requested by the user. In addition to this, Paysenger has a lot more to offer.

Paysenger’s Mission: Paysenger’s mission is to raise public awareness about NFTs. Aiming to make NFT’s a part of their fans’ lives, Paysenger aims to attract netocrats and opinion leaders with large audiences to the product. This is how NFTs take responsibility.

Paysenger is paid a salary for the work he performs. As little as 0% to up to 25% of the total cost depending on the service and payment method
To convert the service’s output to NFT, the service charges a fee as well (in the form of EGO tokens).

There are plans to set up an NFT market within the company. It will also charge a fee for any activities that take place there. The service provides a menu of services and prices, as well as a guarantee of their quality. Paysenger receives compensation for the services it provides.

With the help of Paysenger, influencers will be able to connect with their followers in a way that is both safe and profitable for both parties. The advantages can be summarized as follows:
making sure customers know where to go to find the right person and what to expect when they do;
Request a conference call or a video greeting from a person you’re interested in instead of sending an email.
Prioritizing a specific influencer for monetary gain and attention can be done.
Thanks to Paysenger, getting in touch with a media personality or subject matter expert has never been easier.

To get the other person’s attention, all you have to do is give them money or EGO tokens in exchange. It is possible to create NFTs from media you receive in response messages in order to keep them or sell them on the EGO internal market in exchange for EGO currency.

Paysenger’s internal payment method is called EGO. EGO will be accepted as a form of payment for NFT transactions in addition to the usual methods of payment. EGO has the advantage of lowering the commission rate of the platform (up to no commission at all). At the current exchange rate, tokens can be traded for fiat using a crypto-to-crypto platform.

It is called Paysenger in token economics.
In the upper right corner, you’ll see the EGO ticker.
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Indicator of Type: Usable


Founders and key employees from both the influencer and fintech industries are working together to solve the problems of Paysenger..
Its members are experts in the market’s ills, and they’ve put their expertise to good use. Working with some of the world’s most prestigious advertising agencies, the group is well-versed in the world of high-profile clients and public figures.

Paysenger’s EGO token serves as a company-wide means of identifying employees. Using the token in a variety of ways is an option.
For a fee, an influencer can offer a wide range of services, from simple small talk to the creation of custom media content (such as songs or videos). You can pay for services with Bitcoin, BNB, BUSD, and EGO tokens. Paysenger will take a 20% commission on all transactions, regardless of whether they are made with fiat money, BUSD, BNB tokens, or EGO.
NFTs will be used to tokenize content from influencers. The NFT minting fee can only be paid with EGO tokens.
Using token staking will allow users and influencers to gain access to a wide range of benefits and bonuses. Paysenger will implement this feature.
To ensure an equitable distribution of platform income among all token holders, the Buyback & Burns mechanism will be implemented for token burning. The NFT’s mining commission will be wiped out in this attack.
There will be a 50% reduction in all commissions paid to EGO (the NFT marketplace and services).

In a world where relationships are expanding at an unprecedented rate and attention spans remain the same, new methods of communication are needed. Using a fiat or EGO token, you can now buy the recipient’s attention so that they pay attention to your message or call. Paysenger streamlines the process of contacting members of the media and obtaining professional advice. Received media content can be used to generate NFT (Non-fungible token). Those who use EGO can choose to keep or sell this item. Ultimately, the goal is to make blockchain technology more widely available so that it can be transformed.

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